Sump pumps rid basements of water that has built up inside a sump pit from your drainage system. Water goes in through the perimeter drains of the basement waterproofing system and they're your final protection against flooding.

Zoeller Pumps are seen as the very best of professional sump pumps. The 1/3HP Zoeller Sump Pump is our best-selling pump. It sports a non-clogging engineered plastic vortex impeller design with a 1-1/2" NPT Discharge that can pass 1/2" solid spheres. It's designed with a float operated,
submersible (NEMA 6) two pole mechanical switch, an automated Reset thermal overload protected, stainless steel screws, guard, handle and switch arm assembly. There's a leakproof neoprene square ring in between motor and pump housing, Cast switch case, motor and pump housing with powder coated epoxy finish.

We've got a whole bunch of sump pumps to meet the needs of your individual requirements.
Backup Sump Pumps
Zoeller Backup Pump give extra security for the inevitability of the first AC pump failing because of storms, brownouts, or perhaps when the main pump isn't able to get caught up with excessive water due to extreme rainfall or overloading and when the main pump falters because of damage, mechanical malfunction or obstacles in the pit.
A ten amp battery charger without burnout and battery overcharge protection. The pump is a twelve volt extremely effective with noncorrosive pump construction. The twelve volt DC control box is easily visible with complete light, alarm indicators and warning system. The control device is a variable level dependable float switch. The pump has an internal check valve in the discharge and contains an extra durable check valve adaptable to 1-¼” or 1-½” pipe.

High Water Alarm
If electrical power goes out, the battery backup will give in within a few hours. You must know this to prevent major issues in your basement.
High water level causes the IQ-High Water Alarm to instantly contact as much as four phone numbers telling any person that his or her pump has given out!
This gets rid of the need for those costly multi-pump systems that don't work and stay functional just a few short hours. Property owners may take action just as soon as there's a pump malfunction, if they're near home or work, or gone on vacation.
If the power goes out, the battery backup will be worthless within just a few short hours. This is something that you need to know to avoid major problems in your basement.